Friday, June 14, 2013

Two days of meetings...Two iMovies made

Surprised to hear I was attending two days of meetings at our district office about CCSS this week.  With school just getting out for summer break, I was all charged up for sleeping in and maybe a jaunt to the beach.  Instead went to the CCSS meetings, took notes (on the iPad notes feature) and short video clips and still pics (using the iPad) of what was going on around me in the meetings.
Both days I went home, plopped the footage into the iMovie app, watched it back, added text to some slides, and edited. With background music added, I saved the movies on YouTube (unlisted-meaning only those I send the link to can see it), and forwarded the movies to the district office leaders.
I know, in order for me to share the information later to the staff at my school, that I'd forget most of the info if I didn't make an iMovie of it all!
Two 6-minute movies summarize what the relevant aspects were for me, in analyzing and synthesizing the information. The content included feedback, learning targets, and collaboration ideas to be utilized with our students in the coming years, with the advent of implementation of the common core standards. 45 states are making these changes to the common core.  
Now I'll go stick my feet in the sand for a while!

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