Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An idea

Someone made a suggestion that I try to be a presenter at the next CUE (computer using educators) conference. I seriously hadn't thought of it before that, but I certainly have had quite a year using a lot of apps with students and having students create projects, in particular making iMovies. I'd discuss Educreations, Edmodo, Kidblog, QR code creating, and flipping the classroom.  Student made movies and teacher made "how to" movies could be shared. Making an iMovie using clips of the audience, right in front of them, including editing, saving and sharing, could be part of the presentation. 
Just filled out the application!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sharing a QR scavenger hunt idea

I'm asked to share a lesson idea to fellow teachers, and show them Apple TV in use in class. To accommodate two grade levels of teachers, I made an end of the year QR code scavenger hunt activity. The requirements are generic enough at each of the seven question QR code stations, that all students can attempt the questions given. The end activity is to compile all the question answers into an iMovie or videolicious movie. Just finished making the codes. Next I'll print and laminate the codes for the other teachers to take with them.  I think the students will love the activity reflecting on their school year!http://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/qr-my-year-scavenger-hunt/7643899/?s=eNdjA0&ref=app