Thursday, August 4, 2016

My EDMODOCON 2016 Summary iMovie

Well, I did it. I condensed a nine hour EDMODOCON webinar into a movie that is a bit over 14 minutes long. Every year I learn something new watching EDMODOCON, and this year I was fascinated by ways that global internet connections are being, or will be, delivered to remote locations (by drones and air balloons). The global connections of teachers with their students connecting from around the world, was inspiring and amazing. Challenge Based Learning projects and higher level creative activities, and debating historical character responses, and collecting and analyzing formal and informal assessments, all were ideas I took away from the webinar. I revisited the flipped classroom idea. The panel of four teachers who have used Edmodo to connect with at-risk youth, with incredibly positive outcomes for their students, has reinforced the community and close knit feeling that my class has had in the past, when sharing their school year together communicating on our class Edmodo page. I applaud that panel for their efforts in helping their students emotionally as well as academically. I thought it was interesting hearing that creativity and chaos are the goals in an Activated classroom.
Once again, I am feeling thrilled to learn about new ways of bringing innovative ideas into the classroom!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

EDMODOCON 2016 is today!

EDMODOCON is today! I'm so excited to watch this live stream of guest speakers talking about how they use Edmodo to enhance learning in their classrooms. I hope to also make a movie summarizing the event, and send the results to Edmodo. I know my class will love some Edmodo swag (I still have some from last year) for my weekly Edmodo swag award giveaway.
Each year as I watch the presentation of EDMODOCON, I am floored by all the new and diverse ways of using technology in the classroom!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

626 Educreations Movies

Well, my three years of teaching a 4th & 5th Grade combo class, have resulted in three math series X 2 grade levels worth of movies made by me on Educreations. I have these posted on public setting, so anyone can see them. They are mostly math movies, but some Science, STEM, and Writing movies also. Maybe some Social Studies too. I loved being a combo teacher, but will be switching back to 4th grade in the fall 2016!
626 Educreations instructional movies made, with 16,288 views, are nice to look back on and keep as references for future viewing with my classes in the years ahead teaching.
I recommend for any teacher to check out the Educreations app, and it's worth it to upgrade to a pro account so that even though you pay a fee, as a teacher, the students get access for free with the code provided by the teacher. The student made movies can also be saved on the teacher's pro account.
There's a slight chance there will be more than 626 movies by summer's end!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Classroom App

So of my fifth graders told me about the "Classroom" app, that could help me monitor the apps that all the students are using, at the same moment as each other. He advised me to update my iPad so that I can add the app, so that we can give it a try tomorrow.
On my iPad screen I would be able to see an icon next to each child's name, of the apps they are using, all at the same time.
Forever (about 3 years now), I have wanted a way to monitor student screen time, in another way other than the honor system (which HAS worked), and I'm thrilled with the idea given to me today by a fifth grader!