Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Minecraft Missions and Fort Assignment

I learned about Minecraft this year from my 4th and 5th grade combo students, in my BYOD 1:1 iPad classroom. The first time I thought there was an academic application for it in the classroom, was when a girl shared her "Science World" with the class. She had taken all of her science vocabulary from the week, and made a Minecraft world using those words. There was a block shaped bee sitting on a block shaped flower, with a sign defining pollination. Then we traveled through structures seeing other definitions and building representations of those words.
I was floored.
Now an assignment has been formulated using Minecraft for making CA mission replicas (4th grade assignment) and Spanish forts (5th grade assignment). I see the partial results and am amazed by the innovative creations so far!
I can't wait until next week to see the results!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Well, I didn't make this discovery; my boss did! The Showbie app is free and is a place that my class can turn in assignments. I can write on their PDF files they've sent me, can add a text message on the PDF, and put a voice note reply to what they have sent. One of the students gave our class a tutorial today of the extra features in Showbie, like adding stamps to images and PDF files! Photo editing is a part of the app too, and adding video clips to posts. One of the students just sent me a voice text in Showbie asking if she can show the class tomorrow how to add a video text in the Showbie app.
A real plus is that I'm the only one who sees their comments, and posts. This is much different from Edmodo, which is a class page where all the students can see each others' posts. Serious business to have a place to get immediate feedback and store all work! So cool!
This app makes turning school work in via email seem old-fashioned!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Math Movies

If I make two math movies for everyday of the school year, to address CCSS standards for fourth and fifth graders (because I teach a combo class--both of those grade levels) and doesn't have math movies to go with their lessons(if they do, where are they?), why not offer them over to Everydaymathonline? It just dawned on me to send them a little note, asking this very question. I've got the movies. I'm making them every weekend. They are made specifically to match the lessons in the Everyday Mathematics program. Can't wait to see their response!