I'll admit some lessons are better done than others, but the idea to record what I would have said three times in a day anyway, is extraordinary to me. In class I'll project the lesson on the front large whiteboard. Part of the time, students write on little individual whiteboards, and I can walk around the room checking for understanding. The new lesson part of the lesson, students take notes in a math vocabulary notebook. Basically I am two people in the room. A girl in class said the other day, "It's like you are two people in the room." I loved that comment! Yes!
You can write text, write freehand in different colors, and import pictures. Meanwhile, your voice records as you are talking. My favorite part is the pause button. It's not recording the whole time, and you can pause recording if you need to.
My fourth graders like it when I'm recording and they hear my dogs barking in the background, although I don't! I'll say, "Oh no, not those dogs again!" And the students laugh.http://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/lesson-7-9-comparing-fractions/6447033/?ref=app