Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Boy in the Green Shirt

Yesterday I posted a little blurb about my iMovie called "How to make an iMovie" and found that I can attach only one link per post. Then I got to think about how this one movie came to be.

What got me so charged up about iMovie making in the first place?
It was the boy in the green shirt! A year ago I went with a team of teachers and our principal to observe at an all iPad school. This means each child in the school had 1:1 ratio with an iPad!
We wanted to see how that works.

I knew about filming using the iPad and during our visit to the all iPad school, I asked if I could film. I asked in each room, and was told I could. I got so much amazing footage. The 6th grade African American boy in the green shirt was more than happy to share what he was working on.
His group was working on an iMovie about the book they had just finished reading. They were story boarding, making trailers, and filming. Each child had an acting part in the movie, and behind the scenes roles. Those roles were director, editor, writer, and camera person. I asked the boy to start over and show me what he meant by those roles and by story boarding and making trailers. I asked him if I could film his explanation. He said sure, smiling.

I watched that footage several times and turns out the boy in the green shirt is the one who taught me how to make iMovies! Here's a trailer I made about iMovie making!

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