Friday, March 29, 2013

I want to write

I decided to start a blog today. It was quite a choice to make, where to do this. I googled "how to start a blog" and got pages of choices of how to get started. I made a Wordpress blog, but it was complicated to use, and constantly asked me to upgrade (pay money).

I want a user friendly blog page, that I can access easily, and add photos, and videos.

It remains to be seen if "blogger" is the answer.

So far "blogger" is letting me write at least!

Ok, here's what my motivation to blog is: I have been a teacher for 26 years so far. I love teaching! I love it more today than when I started teaching! Isn't that something?! Wouldn't it be nice to share that enthusiasm?!

I planned on writing a lot about technology. (I think I will).
Technology has changed so much in the last 26 years, and what an amazing tool for the field of education. I want my blog page to include many of the videos I've made for instruction.
I want to make a video (on "Educreations") showing the changes in technology in my lifetime. I'll post it on my blog page once I've finished!
This school year (2012-13) I've made at least 100 instructional videos on Educreations and iMovie for my 85 fourth graders. Yes, I teach fourth grade (math) and students rotate from class to class to get the most and best from each specialized area their teachers can give. My area is math. I got a Master's of Science in Education, Mathematics just a few years ago, completing Walden University's online program. All of the course work and portfolio work done online! That was unimagined (by me) in 1984 when I graduated with a BA in Education from Arizona State University.

So there's your intro to what I'm thinking about expressing. I've wanted to write a book forever, and maybe this is my kickstart!

I'll be keeping in mind, since I've made this a public page, to be very sensitive about not sharing anything specifically about individual children or other people. No pictures, for example. You'll be seeing some of me, but that's it!

So happy I've figured out a way to share what I've learned over time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A nice start Laura! Keep it going. Especially since it makes you happy.

  3. Thanks Sandy for reading it. Aimed at addressing info and scenarios I run into on a daily basis as a 4th grade teacher. :)
