Sunday, June 8, 2014

Student BYOD Exit Survey

Well, my school year is over; one of the most challenging years of my career!
It's time to analyze how it went, using actual data. My opinion of how it all went, has been written/documented, but that write up or two included my feelings and opinions about the results.  In a nutshell, those feelings were all positive! I saw and see the BYOD 1:1 iPad combo 4-5 class, as a huge success. But was it really? Feelings, opinions, impressions, all have value but let's get down to the nitty-gritty.

I gave a 10-question student survey on the second to last day of school. Students were to write their answers first, and then film themselves answering the questions. They were assigned to email me the video clips and turn in their written paper copy of the survey too. I told them this would not impact their grades, and truthful answers would only help me in the future, with next year's BYOD 1:1 iPad combo 4-5 class.  Watching the video clips, compiling them into iMovies, recording tally marks of their answers, gave me some new insights.

Overall positive results! Some areas to consider for the fall, and some ah ha's for me regarding my absolute adoration for iPads. I'll be looking at managing Minecraft, giving those assignments not quite as often, for example. I'd like to find a mirroring app for seeing what is on student devices while they are working at school on iPads. 
While iPads are super cool, motivating, and organizing tools, nothing can replace hands on activities, science experiments, performing arts, field trips, engineering design activities, and the teacher. The iPad as a device, is only as good as the person managing the tool, is only as good as the teacher using it to transform learning. It doesn't stand alone. One question in the survey asked how have iPads helped you to learn this year? There were 100% positive answers. Here are those answers:

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