Sunday, September 8, 2013 vs. PlanBook App and PlanBook app are two completely different entities. I started the school year using the app, thinking it was the same as the website. After contacting the app owner because I had questions about why I can't register on the app so my plans can be saved to different devices, I realized there are enough disadvantages on the app to make a switch over (this means starting all over). Even though the answer given was to save the plans in Dropbox, after attempting to do so, there wasn't enough space in Dropbox to accommodate the app plans (even after dumping old photos and files out of Dropbox). takes different formats for links and saves the plans by letting the user register. Lesson plans can be emailed and printed.
I need to organize my lesson plans this year because I'm teaching two grade levels, all subjects, at the same time. It's a 4th and 5th grade combo class. The advantage of organizing the plans is just that, to be ready and organized, but also doing the hard work now will help me in years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura!

    I'm Scott and I made another lesson planner. It's called You've used a couple online lesson planners, so I'd love to know your thoughts on ours!

